
Mime Presentation by WDC Students on Dowry Prohibition

As part of the Dowry Prohibition Day celebrations, a significant awareness program was conducted on 26.11.2024 ( Tuesday) The event was jointly organized by the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) and the Women Development Cell Advaya of Noble Women’s College, Manjeri.

The program aimed to educate the public about the harmful impacts of the dowry system and emphasize the importance of its eradication. The event was inaugurated District Women Protection Officer T.M. Shruthi,who highlighted the need for collective action and legal enforcement to combat this social evil.

A major highlight of the celebration was a compelling mime presentation performed by Munna Mohammed Ashraf and her team, comprising the Women Development Cell students.
The program attracted quite a crowd at the Manjeri Seethi Haji Memorial Bus Terminal including students, community members, and the general public. The event was graced by the presence of Legal Services Authority Section Officer V.G. Anita, College Assistant Professor Nuzla Tabassum and others including Mohammed Rafi, M. Reena, E. Ravindran, M. Abdul Shukkoor, and para-legal volunteers.
The collaboration between DLSA and the Women Development Cell demonstrated a meaningful step toward raising awareness and fostering societal change.
