PG Department of English

The English department of Noble Women's College Manjeri was established in 2011, and it provides high-quality education to students in English language and literature to meet the needs of the global community. Our undergraduate curriculum is designed to help students develop language skills, literary analysis skills, and critical thinking skills. We cover subjects ranging from literature to linguistics in our undergraduate curriculum. In 2017, we introduced a postgraduate program that allows students to conduct in-depth research and contribute to the field. Among the faculty are renowned scholars and experts who have developed an environment that encourages critical thinking, eloquence, and be a life-long enthusiast for literature through a network of peers. Providing a comprehensive education that promotes language proficiency, literary analysis, and a clear understanding of cultural diversity is one of our goals in an effort to create a network of learners that will be prepared to thrive in the ever-changing world of an interconnected world.