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Department of Arabic

The Department of Arabic was established in 2011 and has since been offering a range of undergraduate courses focusing on Arabic Language, Literature, and Culture. These courses aim to equip students with the necessary skills to effectively use Arabic in their daily communications. Through engaging mediums such as stories, dramas, and poems, the curriculum strives to immerse students in the language, expand their vocabulary, and facilitate practice in diverse real-l ife situations. Furthermore, the department actively organizes various programs aimed at enhancing students' language proficiency. These initiatives include association programs, webinars, intercollegiate events, expert talks, seminars, and numerous other activities and stage events. These endeavors collectively create a stimulating learning environment, fostering the growth and skill development of our students.


The aim of the course is to prepare the students who opt the Arabic Language as a common course to use the Arabic Language in daily life especially in communication.


To enjoy the Arabic Language through stories,Drama and poems

To acquire the vocabularies of Arabic Language

To practice the use of Arabic Language in various situations and occasions.
