Internal Complaints Committee

Noble Women’s College is committed to upholding the principles of gender equality and equity. In alignment with guidelines from esteemed organizations like UGC, NAAC, and directives of the Supreme Court, the college has established an Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell / ICC.
- Create a Safe Environment: Establish a neutral, confidential, and supportive space on campus for individuals who may have experienced sexual harassment.
- Swiftly Address Cases: Promptly and effectively address cases of discrimination and sexual harassment against women, focusing on supporting victims and ending the harassment.
- Provide Information: Disseminate information about counseling and support services available within the campus to assist individuals affected by harassment.
- Ensure Access to Resources: Guarantee that students, faculty, and staff have access to current and comprehensive awareness on sexual harassment and assault to raise awareness and empower individuals.
- Promote Awareness: Actively promote awareness about sexual harassment through educational initiatives, encouraging and fostering a respectful and safe campus environment.
- Develop Policies and Norms: Formulate guidelines and norms to create a robust policy against sexual harassment, providing a structured framework for addressing such issues effectively.
- Establish Principles and Procedures: Create principles and procedures that govern the process of combating sexual harassment within the institution, ensuring fairness and consistency.
- Implement Policies: Plan and implement the policy effectively, paying attention to the finer details of execution to prevent future incidents.
- Strategic Planning: Develop a comprehensive plan of actions covering both short-term and long-term strategies to address immediate concerns and promote lasting change in the campus environment.
- Collaborate for Gender Equality: Collaborate closely with the Women’s Development Cell at Noble Women’s College to enhance collective efforts in promoting gender equality and addressing related issues.
- Gender Sensitization Programs: Organize gender sensitization awareness programs to further the mission of creating a respectful and safe campus environment.
These objectives guide the Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell in its mission to create a safe and respectful campus environment at Noble Women’s College.
According to the "Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013, sexual harassment encompasses a range of unwelcome acts or behaviors, whether expressed directly or implied. These include:
- Physical Contact and Advances: Unwanted physical contact or advances of a sexual nature.
- Demand or Request for Sexual Favors: Seeking sexual favors or making such requests in a professional setting.
- Sexually Colored Remarks: Making remarks or comments of a sexual nature that are inappropriate or offensive.
- Displaying Pornography: Showing explicit or pornographic material without consent.
- Any Other Unwelcome Conduct: Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct that has a sexual nature or connotation.
Additionally, any act falling within the purview of these cases will be considered an incident of sexual harassment, as defined by the Act.
It's crucial because anyone, whether a student or staff member, can be a victim of sexual harassment. Therefore, it's vital for everyone to know how to recognize and handle such situations.
Possible Consequences:
For a student found to be harassing someone, consequences could be a warning, having to write an apology, not being allowed in certain places on campus, suspension for a while, losing the ability to hold certain roles, or even getting expelled.
For a staff member, potential consequences for harassment might include a warning, having to write an apology, not getting a raise or promotion, being suspended for a period, losing the ability to hold certain roles, or even getting fired.
How to Report Sexual Harassment?
The college has a special Cell called the "Anti Sexual Harassment Cell / ICC” that deals with sexual harassment issues in the college campus. If anyone experiences discrimination or sexual harassment, they can report it to the Convenor through a written complaint. If the complaint is made to the Principal or any Committee member, they shall forward it accordingly.
What to Do if You're Being Sexually Harassed?
- Know your rights - Sexual harassment is against the law.
- Speak up - Try telling the person to stop. Say clearly and firmly that you want the behavior to stop.
- Seek information and support - If you can't speak up, seek your friends' help and inform the college authorities as soon as possible.
- Keep records that might be helpful for your case.
What NOT to Do?
- Don't blame yourself. Sexual harassment isn't your fault. It's not because of how you dress or act. It's a violation of your right to be treated with dignity.
- Don't ignore it. Ignoring sexual harassment won't make it go away. The abuser might think you're okay with it.
- Don't wait. Taking action quickly reduces the chance of the behavior continuing or getting worse.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help. Speaking up might also protect others from harm.
Steps to Take:
- Tell your Class Tutor, Head of Department (HoD), Women Cell members, or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell about the problem.
- The individual may leave their grievance in the Suggestion Box placed in the college office or make use of the Grievance Redressal Form on the college website.